First let us get you started with an overview of the Dashboard for PrivateFolio. From here, you can access all of Private Folio's services. Let's go and have a look.
1. Manage Dossier
Allows you to upload/view/label/archive documents on your profile.
2. My Account
Let's you view/edit your account settings, personal information, change your password, add funds and view your Pending and Past deliveries.
You may also find your account's referral code. Share your referral code with friends and colleagues and they will receive $5 off a new account, and 5% of every dollar they spend will be credited to your account.
3. Portfolio
Allows you to view and edit your Public Portfolio. It also provides you a public link which you can provide so people can view your Public Portfolio.
4. Rec Letters
Allows you to view pending or received recommendation letters sent to your portfolio. You can also send a request for a recommendation letter or archive received letters from this page. This is also where you can find the unique email address for each recommendation letter.
5. Delivery
Allows you to manually send your academic credentials through E-mail or USPS.
There is also a separate link on the upper right hand corner of this page for those who are applying through AMCAS-AAMC.
6. Help
Directs you to the help center where you can find articles on how to navigate and use Private Folio.
7. Balance and Expiration Date
View your current balance as well as your account's expiration date. Allows you to renew your subscription as well.